
Showing posts from January, 2014

12 Essential Homemade Beauty Tips For Fair Skin

Beauty Tips For Fair Skin Who doesn’t crave for that perfect Barbie look – long hair, fair skin and a flawless glowing complexion? In this article, I am covering an exhaustive list of beauty tips for fair skin at home. But this isn’t all about just face packs, I have tried to cover foods and other basics that are often ignored. Before we get to fairness tips, you need to realize that protecting our skin from further damage is of utmost importance. Otherwise all our attempts will be of no use as skin will keep sustaining damage and you will keep wondering why none of the treatments are showing any results! So how can we do this? Our skin needs time and care for it to regenerate and leave behind the old and tired. Without this, improving our skin condition and color is an absolute impossibility. This is why we need to ensure the below basics to make time for the skin to heal itself. Drink a lot of water Sleep well Exercise Follow a good skin care routine. Do not skip t

10 Tips to Remove Dark Circles Under Eyes Permanently and Easily

How TO Remove Dark Circles Under Eyes “Oh my God, what’s under my eyes!”, young Sara cried. Dark Circles Under Eyes have been a big worry for the beauty-conscious as well as normal people. These circles or bags take away the freshness of the face and leave the person look pale and ill. The main causes of  Periorbital Dark Circles Under Eyes  are excessive fluid beneath the skin. The skin under our eyes is the softest and most fragile in the whole body. Due to over-weeping, the water flows towards the soft skin under the eyes – because of high salt concentration in the tears, causing circles. Some people have dark circles in their inherited traits. Deficiency of Iron and other essential proteins – such as melanin and collagen also causes these bags, which also accounts for the aging factor. Due to lack of sleep, there is more blood under the soft skin and this skin shows dark due to the hard red color of blood. Other reasons may be infections and diseases like Hay fever. Ho

Ways To Keep Your Skin Healthy

Ways To Keep Your Skin Healthy As we age, we begin to understand the importance of taking care of our bodies. The same goes for our skin. To care for our skin means to enhance its healthy appearance. Sun Isn’t As Healthy As You Think The biggest thing you can do is protecting yourself from the sun. Think about it-yes your skin is at the mercy of everyday elements, but the most inevitable is the sun. Before you protest, saying you barely have enough time in your morning routine to do your make-up, most moisturizers and foundations carry a small percent of SPF so in one step, you’re done. If you’re going to be outside for an extended period of time, remember to reapply. Do so at least every two hours and consider even more if you’re swimming or perspiring more than normal. Nix Bad Habits Smoking takes a large toll both inside your body and out. It causes wrinkles, making you look older than you actually are. Smoking affects blood vessels, restricting blood flow