Best Tips to Boost Your Concentration

Best Tips to Boost Your Concentration 

“Concentration is taking your mind off many things and putting it on one thing at a time.”
Concentration is not a mind game but a skill, which can be learnt by practice.Are you thinking, "I agree, but how do we improve our ability to focus and maintain attention.

Here are the five most important points to keep in mind as you develop your concentration. Use this list as a guide for successfully integrating the focused mind state into your daily life:
  • Emphasize quality, not quantity, of training time. Take breaks while your concentration is still good. This will leave you looking forward to continuing.
  • Practice regularly. Your mind is like your body: by working out several times a day for short periods you’ll see better results than by practicing once a month.
  • Initially, practice focusing your attention on objects or activities that you find beautiful or interesting. You can then build the power to transfer your attention to things that are less immediately appealing.
  • Be mindful throughout the day by directing focused attention toward your ordinary activities. Then, when you choose to really zoom in and focus on something, your mind will already be calm, collected and prepared to produce optimal results.
  • Finally, and perhaps most importantly, remember to smile and enjoy your “mind fitness” training. Build your power of concentration while doing the things you love to do. Enjoying your practice is an essential ingredient that will enhance your abilities and speed your progress.


·         Drink water – Many of us don't think about drinking water while we're at work, yet dehydration can make us feel tired, irritable, slow, or even sick. When our brains don't have enough fluid, they can't operate at peak performance. Staying hydrated is an easy way to help improve your concentration during the day.

·         Eat breakfast – Start your day with a healthy breakfast. It's much harder to concentrate when you're hungry, so eat a well-rounded meal before you go to work. You can also help your concentration throughout the day by keeping healthy snacks at your desk. Almonds,whole-grain crackers, fresh fruit, and vegetables are good choices.

·         Get up and move around – Do you walk around during the day? If you're like many people, you probably don't move around enough. Research has shown that regular walking can help increase your focus during the day.

 Swami Vivekananda about Concentration

Mental Concentration and Meditation

#. The mind takes up various objects, runs into all sorts of things. That is the lower state. There is a higher state of the mind, when it takes up one subject, and excludes all others... 

#. Meditation is the focussing of the mind on some object. If the mind acquires concentration on one object, it can be so concentrated on any object whatsoever. 

#. The mind tries to think of one object, to hold itself to one particular spot, as the top of the head, the heart, etc,....and if the mind succeeds in receiving the sensations only through that part of the body, and through no other part, that would be Dharana, and when the mind succeeds in keeping itself in that state for some time it is called Dhyana (meditation). 

#. Everybody's mind becomes concentrated at times. We all concentrate upon those things we love, and we love those things upon which we concentrate our minds. 

More Tips for Improving Your Concentration

·         Take short breaks – We can be masters at focusing, but eventually we're going to need a break. Our minds can struggle to focus intensely on tasks for eight hours a day. This is where it can be better to divide your work into one-hour segments, with a 5–10 minute break between tasks. This short break will allow your mind to rest before focusing again.

       Do your hardest tasks when you're most alert – This will help you maximize your concentration. Do you want to learn how to schedule your tasks around your energy levels? Read our article Is This a Morning Task? 

         Use a phone headset – If you have a headset for your phone, consider using it for a few hours each day. If your colleagues think you're on the phone, they're less likely to interrupt you.

       Promise yourself a reward – For instance, make a rule that if you focus intensively for 45 minutes on one task, you can take a break to get a cup of coffee when you're done. Little "self-rewards" can often be great motivators.

       Schedule email downloads – It can be tremendously distracting to have emails pinging into your inbox every few minutes – you're tempted to stop what you're doing, and answer them right away. If you can, schedule your email to download only a few times each day, and deal with all of your emails in one go.


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