
Using Milk For Beauty : Soak a cotton pad with cool fresh milk and press it gently all over your face. Besides protein to feed your face, it gets rid of dirt thoroughly. Chill a cup of milk in the fridge before pouring the contents into a clothes spray. Use i t like a spritzer over inflamed skin. Warm a bowl of milk in the microwave for half a minute and pour contents into a clothes basin. Soak your feet for half an hour and then give it a good hard brush to remove dead skin.

Bathing Tips

Bathing Tips   Bathing is much more than just sitting in a tub. One of the most important ways through which you take care of your body is to by having a good bath. A bath cleans and refreshes your body and is relaxing for the mind as well.  It is important to have a bath everyday, in order to maintain good personal hygiene as well. Having a bath early in the morning refreshes you and makes you ready for the whole day. On the other hand, bathing in the evening or night removes all the dust, grime and sweat that you have gathered throughout day and ensures that you are able to get a good and peaceful sleep. There are various kinds of baths in the present day world, including private baths, public baths, Turkish baths, public swimming pools (also known as swimming baths), steam shower baths, sponge bath, hot baths and cold baths, each suiting a different need. Today, the concept of luxurious bathing has also caught on. Making the right kind of arrangements in the bathroom and adding t

Best Vegetables for Weight Loss

Best Vegetables for Weight Loss. Cucumber -  The cucumber is one of the best vegetables for weight loss. It´s extremely low in calories and contains lots of water. Broccoli -  When trying to lose weight, include plenty of broccoli in your di et. It contains no fat at all, and plenty of carbohydrate. This are slow-release carbohydrates, which is great for helping to keep your energy levels up. Beans -  The great thing about using them for weight loss is that they also count as a source of protein and have lots of fibre. So cut down on your meat intake and substitute all or some of it with beans instead. Spinach -  Spinach is another brilliant vegetable when you´re trying to lose weight. If you´ve always disliked it, try cooking it very lightly – spinach needs barely any cooking at all. You can also serve it raw in salads. Carrots -  Carrots should be included among vegetables for losing weight. Just think of all that beta-carotene and fibre!

Abdominal exercises

Abdominal exercises: This exercises are useful for building the abdominal muscles. This is useful for improving performance with certain sports, back pain, and for withstanding abdominal impacts (e.g., taking punches). According to a 2011 s tudy, abdominal muscle exercises are known to increase the strength and endurance of the abdominal muscles. It has been highly disputed whether or not abdominal exercises have any reducing effect on abdominal fat. The 2011 study found that abdominal exercise does not reduce abdominal fat; to achieve that, a deficit in energy expenditure and caloric intake must be created—abdominal exercises alone are not enough to reduce abdominal fat and the girth of the abdomen. Early results from a 2006 study found that walking exercise (not abdominal exercise specifically) reduced the size of subcutaneous abdominal fat cells; cell size predicts type 2 diabetes according to a lead author. Moderate exercise reduced cell size by about 18% in 45 obese women ov


BEST 10 YOGA TIPS  Practicing yoga at home has never been easier. If you are a beginner to yoga or relatively new and want to establish an at home yoga practice, it is important to do some groundwork before jumping into the fray. To preve nt injury and maximize the power of your yogic experience, careful preparation and modest investments can make learning yoga at home viable, efficient, and fun. Here are ten tips to help you establish an at-home yoga practice. 1) Create a space Set aside a space dedicated to your yoga practice. Make sure it is free from furniture that could create a hazard to you as you do various yoga asana. Your yoga space should be clean and serene. Decorate it with images and objects that create a peaceful and sacred feeling in your heart. 2) Invest in tools of the trade If you do not already have a yoga sticky mat, purchase one. There are yoga mats for every budget and taste. A mat cleaner will keep your mat smelling fresh after tough workouts. Make sure

5 Natural Ways To Quit Smoking Proven To Work

5 Natural Ways To Quit Smoking Proven  To Work Plzz Share and Help Others....... The World Health Organization (WHO) reports approximately 6 million people are killed by tobacco each year, with 600,000 deaths from exposure to second-hand smoke. There are more than 7,000 chemicals, including over 60 carcinogens that are known to cause cancer in tobacco smoke says the American Cancer Society (ACS). The tobacco leaves used in cigarette production contains radioactive materials  that can build up in the lungs overtime and result in a high percentage of radiation in your body which can predispose a smoker to cancer. 1. Acupuncture Acupuncture can provide relief for the symptoms associated with nicotine withdrawal such as, the jitters, restlessness and irritability. Withdrawal symptoms are worse within the first week of quitting and the intensity of the symptoms drops over the first month says The National Cancer Institute (NCI). "One of the most effective natural and drug-free

Reasons Why You Should Drink Green Tea.

Reasons Why You Should Drink Green  Tea. Green tea is made from the leaves from Camellia sinensis that have undergone minimal oxidation during processing. Green tea originated in China,but it has become associated with many cultures throughout Asia. Green tea has recently become more widespread in the West, where black tea has been the traditionally consumed tea. Green tea has become the raw material for extracts which are used in vari ous beverages, health foods, dietary supplements, and cosmetic items.Many varieties of green tea have been created in the countries where it is grown. These varieties can differ substantially due to variable growing conditions, horticulture,production processing, and harvesting time. Helps you lose weight If you want to cut those extra inches around your tummy, switching to green tea could be a simpler way. A new study shows that green tea extract increases the rate of calorie burning by the body. It reduces blood fat, cholesterol, bloated